SCHEDULER.DE is a detailed planning tool that can be connected directly to production using
standardized interfaces, enabling the planner to make the right planning decisions at any time.

An overview of the current progress of production and a realistic forecast of the coming shifts/days is essential in modern production planning. The responsibility of SCHEDULER.DE is to collect the information from connected systems, e.g. B. MES, BDE, MDE, material and order management as well as ERP systems as required and present them in an attractive way. In order to provide the production planner with the best possible support during his
work, SCHEDULER.DE offers the appropriate visualization as required:
- Production plan as Gantt view and table
- Set-up plan as a calendar
- Expected staffing requirements
- Warnings in case of late production with the expected shortage
- Production progress with TARGET comparison
Thanks to the real-time connection of the shop floor, including statuses and quantity feedback, the production planner can react to potential delays before they occur. This avoids expensive waiting times and optimizes the usage of all available resources
The following link presents SCHEDULER.DE as a one process solution for real-time production planning in combination with the optimization engine OPTIMIZER.DE.